9 - 25 September 2011
In art:
Pictures and words. In my art production I move between medieval church images, new comics and Rowells mail order catalogue with autumn-winter fashion 1956-57. In between these three picture worlds words sneaks around and poke at everything, from the philosophy of language to the weight club’s self-help pep. I see art as an eternal value. An existential tool for interpersonal communication. A possible extension of our innate language ability. It applies to all art, not just visual art. Language is the medium in which we produce the images of the world in. In words, between words and beyond words. So, I look at it. The rest is mostly to be busy, to hold out, and go forth, to concentrate at work and see how it goes. The people in my pictures struggle and strive to make it as good as possible with everything. It’s not always succesful … so I draw quite a lot of thermoses so they at least could get a cup of coffee when life gets too busy.
About art:
I also take a lot of interest in the social situation and conditions for art itself. I grieve over the ignorant attitude in education policy towards art, that does not realize it should be a core subject in school, from first class to the last in college, and that our time has a difficulty to embrace other values than the ones counted in money.