About the Gallery


Opening hours

  • Friday: 12.00 – 15.00
  • Saturday: 12.00 – 15.00
  • Sunday: 12.00 – 15.00

For hours outside normal schedule, please call +46 33 – 419860.
Opening hours could vary for different exhibitions. For correct information see respective exhibition.

The building

Ålgården was from the beginning a mill that was founded in the 17th century. For some time the main building was used as a waterwork before it in 1960 became a museum for the collection Roland Kempe donated to the city of Borås. After the collection was moved to Borås Art Museum the building was empty for a few years before Borås printmaking workshop took over in 2000. In spring 2001 the first exhibition was held and since then a lot of exhibitions has been showed by both national and international artists.

Click here to see the gallery plan (pdf).
(Right-click and choose save as to download the pdf.)

Would you like to rent Ålgården?

It’s possible to rent Ålgården for different types of events.
Contact us for more information.

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